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ODIT.info > Семинари > Училище по финанси и счетоводство за млади професионалисти

СъбитиеУчилище по финанси и счетоводство за млади професионалисти
МястоСофия, ул. "Шейново" 7, ет. 1
Организатор"Капитал" и MDV Professional Education
ПрограмаПрограмата е практически ориентирана и е базирана на добри практики и утвърдени стандарти от професионалните квалификации AAT и ACCA.

Преминава през всички релевантни за младите специалисти професионални области, структурирайки темите по сложност и завършва с бизнес казус, за чието разрешаване се изискват комплексни познания върху преподадената материя.

This introductory level covers a range of basic accounting practices and techniques from costing and double-entry bookkeeping to entry level financial accounting terms and concepts. The learning contents is presented mainly in the form of practical questions and solutions, templates, proformas and easy to follow steps and guidance – all suited to be applied on the job immediately. It's ideal if you're new to finance or you're looking to brush up on your foundation knowledge and skills.

Bookkeeping Transactions - 2 days
Double entry, debits and credits / General ledger accounts / Recording transactions / Bank reconciliation / Control accounts / Errors and the trial balance / The banking system

Cost Accounting - 2 days
Basic Costing / Types of costs (materials, wages, overheads) / Classification of costs: Cost centres / Cost behavior: Fixed costs and variable costs / Inventory classification and valuation / Comparison costs and income

Financial Accounting - 2 days
The role of financial function / Organizational framework / Types of reports / Presenting information / IFRS Framework / Accounting principles / Accounting concepts / Application

This medium level covers all necessary knowledge to enable the students to enter and maintain senior accountant position in a corporate or shared service centre environment. The level provides the complete set of technical skills to allow the successful execution of the day-to day routines and accounting transactions. The learning contents is presented mainly in the form of practical questions and solutions, templates, proformas and easy to follow steps and guidance – all suited to be applied on the job immediately. It's suitable for you if you have general finance and accounting knowledge e or you're looking to complete your knowledge and skills in a structured way.

Bookkeeping Transactions - 2 days
Business Documentation / Discounts and VAT / The books of prime entry / Recording credit sales/purchases / Recording Sales and trade receivables / Recording purchases and trade payables / Initial trial balance

Financial Accounting - 2 days
Accounting principles, double entry / Types of financial statements / Principles of financial reporting (Framework) / Purchase of non-current assets, depreciation, disposal / Accruals and prepayments / Inventory / Irrecoverable debt / Bank reconciliations / Control accounts reconciliations / Trial balance, errors

Cost Accounting - 2 days
Cost accounting / Material costs and inventory valuation / Labour costs and expenses / Overheads / Absorption costing / Job batch, service, process costing / Variance analysis / Short-term/Long term decision making

Introduces more complex accounting tasks like drafting financial statements managing cash flows. Develops understanding and technical skills for completing basic consolidation tasks and maintaining budgets. This final level also covers evaluation of financial performance of the company; touching on basic tax issues as well as covering important concepts such as ethics and legalities. The learning contents follows the previous levels as format and intensity. Practical workouts and business cases are included in each module to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired. It is recommended to complete at least the online prep work for Level 1 and Level 2 in order to proceed to Level 3. It is addressed at financial professionals on senior accounting positions or Leaders of specific accounting business lines who would like to complete and extend their knowledge.

Preparation of Financial Statements - 2 days
Prepare the statement of financial position / Prepare the statement of financial performance / Prepare the statement of cash flows / Property plant and equipment / Intangible assets / Further accounting standards: Accounting for tax, leases, provisions / Revenue recognition / Group accounts: Business combinations and consolidation / Interpreting financial statements

Cost Accounting - 2 days
Decision making / Statistical methods / Standard costing / Variance analysis / Calculation of a break-even point / ABC cost accounting (mainly through a case study) / Cost management


Budgeting - 1 day
Cost classification / Forecasting techniques / Budget preparation / Cash budgets / Limiting factors / KPI’s / Alternative budgeting methods

Cash management and Credit control - 1 day
Cash flow and profit / Forecasting income and expenditure / Preparing cash budgets / Monitoring cash flows / Liquidity management / Raising finance / Managing surplus funds / Granting credit to customers / Methods of credit control

Law and Tax (Bulgarian Legislation) - 1 day
The commercial code: emphasis on limited liability company / The civil code - type of contract, legal aspects of contracts,
Registers of companies, where to find information / VAT: Issuing VAT invoices, VAT deductibility for representation,
Income tax - the method of calculation, exemptions / Tax planning and transfer pricing

External and Internal Audit, Professional Ethics - 1 day
External audits of financial statements - audit cycle, auditor's opinion / Internal audit, audit committee, internal audit responsibilities / SOX act and its requirements / Ethics and codes of conduct in business / What are internal controls, tests of controls and walkthrough
Лектори/участнициЛекторският екип включва утвърдени професионалисти с международен опит и практика в сферата на счетоводството, финансите и корпоративното право.

Георги Кирилов
Има дългогодишен опит в областта на счетоводството, консултантските услуги и корпоративните финанси, натрупан в Лондон и Женева. Бил е мениджър в отдел Корпоративни финансови услуги на "Делойт България". Той е дипломиран експерт-счетоводител, завършил е London School of Economics и има международна квалификация по корпоративни финанси (CF) към ICAEW

Линкълн Майлс
Има богат опит както в корпоративния свят, така и в сферата на образованието. Бил е национален ръководител за ICAEW по предметите корпоративни отчети, одит и застраховане Advanced Stage Corporate Reporting и Audit and Assurance, управител на офиса на BPP Professional Education Jersey и водещ оценител на изпитите на ACCA и ICAEW Case Study. Консултирал е правителствени структури, търговски и финансови организации. Подготвя студенти за изпитите за квалификациите на ACCA, CIMA и ICAEW.

Илия Грозданов
съдружник в адвокатско дружество "Динова, Русев и партньори". Основният фокус на работата му е свързан с енергийни проекти. Специализирал е и в сферите на екологичното, административното и финансовото право. Завършил е право в Софийския университет и магистратура по Европейско и международно финансово право в Оксфорд, преподава в квалификациите АССА и CF (CISI/ICAEW).

Таня Коточева
Има значителен опит като академичен преподавател, оценител и одитор за финансови и нефинансови компании и международни корпорации в България. Тя е дипломиран експерт-счетоводител (ДЕС), регистриран одитор и член на Института на дипломираните експерт-счетоводители (ИДЕС). Завършила е УНСС със специалност Счетоводство и контрол и има докторска степен по Икономика. Тя е специалист в сферата на Международните стандарти за финансовo отчитане и приложението им във функциониращи предприятия.
Условия за записване/участиеЕдинична регистрация за 1 ниво – 700 лв
Единична регистрация за 3 нива – 2,000 лв
Единична регистрация за 3 нива с всички опционални модули – 2,700 лв
Групова регистрация (повече от 3 участника) - 20% отстъпка от цената за стандартна регистрация
Цените са без ДДС.
Допълнителни бележкиВижте повече информация на: capital.bg/mdv_FA
Публикувал обяватаКапитал

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